Obviously we need to start with the observation of Peter, Lord Bauer - foreign aid is nicking money off poor people in rich countries to give to rich people in poor countries. As the sort of people who rule us went to school with those who rule the poor countries - I did, with the President of the Philippines, Bongbong, for example. V different year but still - it’s people nicking our money to spend on making themselves look good to their peer group.
You know, elite virtue signalling.
Yes, of course 0.7% of GDP should be spent upon Official Development Aid. ODA is very important, dont’cha kno’? Every chav in Britain should have near 1% of everything they do collected up and sent off to Ol’ Bongie. Obviously. Couldn’t face an Old Boys dinner without that now, could I?
Now of course that’s not actually quite how it’s put even if that is what it actually is. But just the sometimes the truth slips out from those corridors of power.
The former head of the Foreign Office has warned Rachel Reeves not to cut Britain’s international aid spending, amid signs the chancellor is willing to raid the development budget to help pay for higher defence spending.
Simon McDonald, the former lead civil servant at the Foreign Office, said it would damage Britain’s global reputation if Reeves chose to reduce aid as she looks for savings across Whitehall in this year’s spending review.
Reputation? Among whom? Among those who attended Pembroke?
He told the Guardian: “At times of financial need, development assistance is an easy target for trimming because international assistance is not generally voters’ priority.”
Remember folks, democracy is that we the people decide. We’ve even those out there insisting that all economic decisions must be made via democratic means - that true economic democracy which is to be the new socialism.
But when democracy - in the form of “We don’t give a shit about that” - bumps up against the elite desire to look good at the state banqueting table guess what? Democracy has to git to buggery and the elite get to spend our money their way all the same.
No, really. Look what he’s saying. Voters don’t care. But they must be forced to pay all the same. So much for that vaunted democracy.
Some perhaps need reminding that the one great advantage of democracy is that it’s the only method of power change that doesn’t involve rivers of blood in the streets. And when power does change it’s not normally the blood of those formerly without it that runs as the river.
Good Lord, Sir, we really can’t be letting the profanum vulgus decide how much of their money should be spent on overseas aid. Next thing they’ll be demanding the death penalty for murderers and the abolition of gender recognition certificates.
Net Zero and the need for higher electricity bills are probably fairly low on most voters' priority lists. Is the ASI guilty of elite virtue signalling by championing the climate change agenda I wonder.