Ignoring the hydrogen atoms a litre of petrol is around 1/1000th of a tonne of carbon, which produces 3.7 thousandths of a tonne of CO2 when burned.

CO2 price of £100/tonne would mean we uplift petrol prices by about 37p a litre (44/12)*(1000/100) to reflect the social cost. We can debate about including the hydrogen, inflation, whether that social cost should be $80/tonne of CO2, and get a lower number, but not a number as low as 11p, unless I'm missing something.

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Yes, yes. If the politicians actually cared as much about the environment as they claim they do, they'd be cutting the tariff to zero and having a ceremonial champagne press event for the first shipment of £12K BYD Seagulls from China.

I think that even with some of the downsides of EVs it would be a gamechanger. So why aren't all the hippies talking about it?

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“We are trying to get richer after all”

As the premise of the above part of your strapline isn’t true for the socialist zealots in charge in the U.K., the apparent contradictions in the article are easily explained.

Is Portugal better? Perhaps we should all move there.

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I thought socialism's plan was to make us all poorer (except the politburo ofc). Equalise us all downwards. That's the impression I've always got from their pronouncements as well as the results.

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Gosh, as many as that? Isn’t it wonderful, the planning that went into this? And they’re going to wreck the motor industry in the West to make us all switch to EVs. Good job it only takes a few minutes to charge an EV! Wait. What? How long?!!!

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