If I am correct, what counts towards 0.7% of GDP is determined by the OECD not the UK government. So aid given to the Caribbean after they were hit by a hurricane did not count as those nations were too wealthy to receive aid.

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There’s no reason why aid from the U.K. government can’t be measured domestically in whatever way the U.K. government determines. Who cares what the OECD says?

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Preach it, man!

Yes, voluntary charity to those in desperate need is a moral obligation on those of us with more than we need for a good life for us and ours.

Enforced “charity”, whether it be starving children abroad or our own sainted public health provision, is a recipe for waste, inefficiency and, as you point out, lining the pockets of public sector grifters.

On the subject of paying you, which you raise in passing, there doesn’t seem to be a paid subscription option for your daily Substack offering. As a daily reader, I feel some obligation…..

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Erm there is a paid subscription option, yes. Quite where it is I'm not sure because obvs I don;t go looking for it.

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Ok. I’ll look again. But when I last tried I just went round in circles and gave up. My other paid subscriptions weren’t problematic!

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All sorted out. Had to be done from the email version of article. As none of your posts ever seems to be restricted to Paid Subscribers, the difference between Paid and Free seems in practice to be zilch! But hey, why not.

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Ah, but soon, soon. About 40k words into a review/opposition to the latest Monbiot book. Another 10k to go. It'll run chapter by chapter here for subscribers. And there are - assuming even a modicum of success for this one - several more such ideas. Ms. Blakely, Gary's Economics, several targets

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Not forgetting the esteemed Prof Murphy.

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