State-funded healthcare provision in the UK used to be hugely devolved - it was mostly run and provided by local councils. But Nye Beven obsessessed with central control all under his personal thumb, and destroyed healthcare efficacy by imposing his structural obsessions on the NHS.

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If the good People of the USA are so disillusioned with their current system that they are up for a completely new one (oh for that happy day arriving in the U.K.) you would think they would survey everything that the rest of the world has to offer and use the best examples as their basis. And they wouldn’t settle on the U.K. as the paradigm.

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The NHS effectively nationalises the bodies of those who cannot escape the treatment rationing by afford private care.

A friend recently had to use the NHS and their journey made me instantly buy private.

The staff attitude, the indifference, the lack of care, the lack of attention to detail, the lack of actual treatment, the feeling you should be massively grateful for whatever eventually got dolled out was frankly SHOCKING.

That said the consultant level were all extremely competent, but the disconnect between that group and the conduct of the rest of the hospital left me with the opinion that 80% could be sacked without noticing anything different except lower taxes and lower clutter and staff gossip.

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The NHS is beyond reform. We have to start again from scratch. In the meantime I avoid it unless unavoidable. Finding a local private GP was a transformational discovery.

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