I want to know more about what he said about anthropolocentrism.

"Metcalf spent decades studying an Indigenous community in the state of Sarawak, in the Malaysia-controlled part of the island of Borneo. He watched it transform from a place where the villagers had no money but lived well to one where GDP went up and they could “barely feed themselves.” "

I wonder what their infant mortality rate was like.

"massive plunder of the landscape on which the dwellers of Sarawak depended"

Sounds like a property rights issue.

"the Narmada Valley where dams have displaced tens of thousands"

Sounds like the sort of thing governments do.

"The global middle class – wherein the impact-variables of “population,” “affluence,” and “technology” are fused into one single devastating blow on planet Earth – is headed upwards of 5 billion by 2030."

That's the real crux of it! He doesn't want people getting rich and comfortable because of "the Earth". Here is where we get to anthropocentrics vs misanthropes.

But then if it's really about that, why the concern for the unhappy tribes? Perhaps he really does think we can be poor and have lots of dying babies to save the Earth but also be happy. I don't think so and I don't the the Earth has an opinion.

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Ok, Ketcham, let’s give you the benefit of the doubt that Roser is being paid by capitalist piggies to cherry pick and misrepresent data to support your contention that the spread of capitalism/ markets and the decline in world poverty is mere coincidence. Now do the data on North Korea. Or any of the other socialist utopias you wish us all to enjoy. Then get back to us. Or, as Tim suggests, just fuck off. Maybe go and live in North Korea.

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