So, Monbiot is being paid to write what he writes by climate destroying tax-dodgers? Then he is still being paid by them to criticise their own practises.

This article makes a false equivalence between being paid by corporations to be critical of corporate practises, and being paid by corporations to suck up to them and be a mouthpiece for what they want to say. These are clearly not the same thing.

Despite what is written in this article, being paid by Exxon to deny climate science, but hiding the fact you are being paid by them, is simply not the same as being paid by Penguin to educate people about climate science.

It is different for the reason that (1) you are not merely a puppet of the corporation paying you, if you are putting forward arguments that criticise that corporation's practises. And (2) being transparent about who you are funded by is a sign that you are not a puppet, because puppetmasters generally want their audience to believe their puppet is moving of its own accord.


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It's all entirely different because reasons is indeed that usual response.

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Ahh, the Sainsburys.

There was a connection to Arsenal FC, who employed one Terry Henry, who, being French, played in an international game against the Republic of Ireland, and committed a handball offence, not spotted by the match officials, which led to a goal, and the introduction of VAR, by UEFA, FIFA, who are rentiers, extracting value from the clubs via calls upon the players, which is cash which, something, something, corruption, Havelange, something, Dubai, World Cup, something, Platini, WENGER!

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Sometimes, when I can be bothered, I respond to these “who funds you” questions when raised on Twitter, as I did a few days ago when Monbiot was having a rude go on TV at Reem Abraham of the IEA, by saying “I do and people like me who value its work”.

I doubt that these bores can get their heads around the idea that nobodies like me who clearly have no influence on anything are funding their hated think tanks.

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And, of course, if the IEA (or anyone else the Moonbat takes a disliking to - pretty much anyone to the right of Corbyn) were to publish a full list of all their donors, George and his mates would be all other them - making their lives hell if they were individuals or for corporates demanding they "stop funding hate/disinformation/stuff I disagree with".

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Oh I so agree. I always think people like George go on and on with "who pays you" to distract from the arguments that they cannot gainsay.

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