of course, being capitalists we should also charge for water title

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Which would you prefer:

a) that assets are allocated in the most efficient way possible so that people as a whole are better off than they would be otherwise; or

b) that assets are allocated “fairly”, ie everyone gets his allotted - as determined by the Wise Collective - ration, even if that produces a significantly less overall optimal outcome than (a).

The rational person (and not so long ago every politician of a conservative inclination) votes for (a). The socialist always votes for (b) for there is no greater god to worship than the God Fairness.

And therein lies the perpetual issue. According to their deeply held worldview the likes of Warren aren’t morons; they just hold a fundamentally different worldview from you and me, whom they consider to be worse than morons. And they no doubt are just as angry and frustrated with us as we are with them.

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