Doctors do make for many a good TV series though. All the mainstream quacks being wrong, but this maverick quack with a penchant for hookers or riding bikes helmetless and with one leg, sees through their errors, and finds the answer.

But you would think a profession that does realise we're all different in the real world would reject marxism, so I wonder if this is unique to the UK. Is Lancet France (or Germany or Netherlands) written by patient focussed zealots or by system focussed marxists? I genuinely don't know.

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The trouble is that Physicians now have been fed a diet of marxism all through high school and college. It's part of their fiber.

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No, Andy - the Canadian Quacks do it too; poorly researched diatribes on subjects that they've no more knowledge of than I have of liver function. In our case, it comes from the "Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment" - and they've managed to misunderstand and misrepresent everything from fracking to energy policy. Along the way, they have misrepresented epidemiology, which I would've thought they would get right, as it's a pretty adjacent field, but no.

The Lancet is not the official voice of the profession, but it is (or at least, was) a pretty respected journal.

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I think 'socialism' is an over used word but many would have better lives if we were

Poorer, car free and happier.


And w should stop 'capitalism' trashing the planet and allowing the rich to take from the poor.

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Socialism has a worse record when it comes to trashing the planet and immiserating the poor and working class.


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Then lets have non-polluting, non-corrupt capitalism. That's a long way from what we've got.

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That's great Geoff - you get on your bike and make yourself happy to your hearts content; just don't tell me what you think should make me happier, let alone try to force me into doing it.

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I would force you to give up polluting the planet if I could but this is a more limited aim: creating some neighbourhoods which are car free so that us good car-less people can have decent lives free from the polluters.

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Doctors are famously rather innumerate. They wouldn't know anything about linear vs nonlinear systems, transients, damping chaos theory, complexity theory (which is probably why they can't solve cancer et al) ....

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It's also the hubris of assuming we can "manage" the stability of the earth or the climate that gets me every single time.

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