The destruction of agricultural labour created the NHS. Mass healthcare is impossible if 80% of the population are scraping a living out of the ground. If people want moar NHS the only way is by destroying all non-NHS.

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I just love it when people quote back to me my own points. For that specific comparison is from me, repeated it a number of times over the past decade or so.

The reason I love it is not ego. Well, not just. It's that the point is getting through....

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Yes, I usually prefix it with "As our host says....". :)

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"Because you can’t do electronics, even easy solar electronics, in anything less than pristine conditions."

Yes - so the inside of the factory will be just as pristine as the Swiss equivalent. The outside will look like a slag-heap - because China. That being said, so what? - the locals, be they Swiss or Chinese, have set the level of local pollution that they are willing to tolerate. We should leave them the autonomy to make their own local decisions, and as consumers still seek out the best cost (or price / performance - whatever we value) and get on with it.

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